ASTsearch - code searching that knows about code
This weekend's hack is a tool for searching Python code.
ASTsearch source code on Github
What's wrong with grep, you might ask? Let's try to find every division in IPython's codebase:
$ grep --include "*.py" -rF "/" . config/ after applying any insert / extend / update changes config/ # ConfigValue is a wrapper for using append / update on containers config/tests/ argv = ['--a=~/1/2/3', '--b=~', '--c=~/', '--d="~/"'] config/tests/ self.assertEqual(config.a, os.path.expanduser('~/1/2/3')) config/tests/ self.assertEqual(config.c, os.path.expanduser('~/')) config/tests/ self.assertEqual(config.d, '~/') ...
In all, it finds 1685 lines, and very few of them are actual division. You could write a regex that tries to ignore comments and strings, but now you have two problems.
Let's do the same with ASTsearch:
$ astsearch "?/?" core/ 646| shalf = int((string_max -5)/2) core/ 1254| return h / i core/ 347| whalf = int((width -5)/2) ...
The output is 89 lines, and when spacing and filenames are removed, there are 46 results, all of which represent division operations.
In this case, grep produced a lot of false positives. In other cases, it will have false negatives—results that you wanted but didn't find. a=1 won't match a= 1, and "this" won't match 'this'. For simple cases, regexes can help (a\s*=\s*1), but they soon get unwieldy. ASTsearch is insensitive to how you format your code: even statements split over several lines are easy to find.
How does it work?
The string pattern—?/? in the example above—is turned into an AST pattern. ASTs, or Abstract Syntax Trees, are a structured representation of a formal language such as Python source code.
? is a wildcard, so ?/? means "anything divided by anything". I picked ? for this because it's not used in Python syntax, so it doesn't stop you writing more specific search patterns.
Some more patterns:
- a = ? - Something is assigned to a
- class ?(TemplateExporter): ? - A subclass of TemplateExporter
- for ? in ?: ? \nelse: ? - A for loop with an else clause
Then it walks the directory, parsing each file with a .py extension using Python's built in parser. The standard library ast module contains the tools to parse the code and walk the AST, and astcheck, another tool I wrote, can compare AST nodes against a template.
Besides the command line interface, you can also use ASTsearch as a Python module (import astsearch). It's possible to define complex search patterns in Python code that can't be written at the command line. See the docs for some more details.
What's the catch?
ASTsearch only works on Python files, and Python files that are entirely valid syntax (that's Python 3 syntax for now). If just the last line can't be parsed, it won't find any matches in that file.
It's slower than grep, because what it's doing is much more complex, and grep is highly optimised. But Python's parser is doing most of the hard work, and that's written in C. On my laptop, scanning the IPython codebase (about 100k lines of code) takes about 3.5 seconds—definitely not instant, but far faster than I can think about even a couple of results.
There are search patterns you can't express at the command line. For instance, you can't match function calls with a specific number of arguments (but you can find function definitions with a given number of arguments: def ?(?, ?): ?). I might extend the pattern mini-language once I've got a feel for what would be useful.
How do I install it?
pip install astsearch